Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sum of a Remainder of an Unbalanced Equation

Chaos is a term that epitomizes the sums of remainders of unbalanced equations that I am a product of.
Did you get it? No.
Wait a minute, a little bit of reckoning may render meaning to this otherwise meaningless sentence, the risk obviously being the eventuality of the meaning being a local one.
Look at my title, it says, sum of a remainder. If it is indeed "a" remainder, the quote-unquote thing being "a", why do I even bother about taking a sum.
Well, I don't know, the architect may know? Although, the chances are slim. My first sentence is at least semantically better, the reason undoubtedly or with doubt being that I am taking the sum of remainders.
The fundamental flaw here being that i have killed the idea by overdoing it, excessive of anything is lethal is not a stereo without reasons.
Lets, ergo look ahead.
And ahead lies a likelihood. The likelihood that systemic anomaly transpire, camouflaging it's existence (without which it cannot transpire off course), is matter of great delusion and interest for me.
The systemic anomalies may assume such proportions that it can threaten the existence of systems which let them originate and disseminate.
Is there a solution? Can there be a solution?
They say, you don't solve a problem at the same level of conciousness you created it and I am no exception.


  1. I wish I could understand it.. I must disappoint you in asserting that my intellectual capacity has proved insufficient in deciphering the heavily loaded blog you have posted... may i pause for a moment to say that this blog seems to be the sum of remainders of millions of frustrated equations.... :P on a serious note, i was wondering whether you are an anomaly or an equation. Also elaborate what's with "a". And finally who is the problem, you or something within you?

  2. 1. I wish I could understand it. Refer to what architect said for the first time:
    You have many questions and although the process has altered your consciousness you remain irrevocably human, ergo some of my answers you will understand and some of them you will not.

    2.I must disappoint you in asserting that my intellectual capacity has proved insufficient in deciphering the heavily loaded blog you have posted... may i pause for a moment to say that this blog seems to be the sum of remainders of millions of frustrated equations
    You dont disappoint me as from the 1st point it is not beyond your or mine understanding....the second point about frustration may be correct, ergo the risk obviously being the eventuality of the meaning being a local one(last line from blog itself)

    3. on a serious note, i was wondering whether you are an anomaly or an equation
    obviously an anamoly which despite architect's sincere efforts is propounded by the equation he wishes to solve.

    4. Also elaborate what's with "a". And finally who is the problem, you or something within you?
    "a" is very important because it forced me to write this blog. I was watching matrix 2 and architect said to neo you are " sum of a remainder.......". I thought if there is one remainder why is Mr. Architect taking sum?? Your 2nd question about the problem is difficult?? Refer to 1st point.

    I know it may cause further questions.....but you can always satisfy yourself with point1 and some research about Architect's dailogue...............
